A few weeks ago, I told myself that I wasn't going to do another product launch until March. I'm not a huge fan of holiday-themed collection and who cares about Valentine's Day anyway? I thought I would use these first 2 months of the year to focus on other facets of my brand.
Literally HOURS after telling my housemate that I didn't want to do a Valentine's Day line though, it hit me. I had to do something. As I was talking it out, 3 design ideas and a whole ass creative vision for the branding and photoshoot just came to me. Immediately, I became obsessed.
This is a sex-positive accessory brand after all. How could I not drop at least a couple pieces for V Day?
The V stands for Vulva

2) Strip tease: These boob earrings are big strip tease energy. As soon as you put them on, you'll be looking up virtual cabaret shows to tune into. Next thing you know, you'll be feeling empowered enough to try yourself, and decide to sign up up for pole dancing lessons in your area. Body positivity is the best kind of slippery slope . . .

I was so excited though, I couldn't stop the vision there. I also created 2 other designs, Flaming Hearts and Showered With Flowers. These simpler designs are more appropriate for work and also more affordable!
Tying it all together

While I've done photoshoots for products before, this one was different. Mostly, it was just way more elaborate and fun. We created a whole pillow fort in the living room as the setting; bought tons of fruit and sweets and silky fabrics and boas; got roses from newly launched flower shop Flor Gorl. The whole projector and lighting setup was the final element to set the mood. My girlfriend and I wore black bedroom-wear, one of the bright pairs of earrings, and just had fun playing around with the set and camera.

While I didn't shoot this solo, the V Day Collection is not about celebrating romantic partners for the holiday. This line is about owning our bodies, our desires, and our sexuality. It's about being sexy and playful, alone or with partners. It's also about how to create new intimacy and romance during a 11 months of shelter-in-place orders.
While the play scenarios associated with each pair of earrings might not play out as described, I hope the V Day Collection brings some sexual magic into your world.